We were born in 1987 with the name “Company Lombarda Supplies and Computer Applications”, that is AlfaPi: a name that we immediately liked, because it said where we were born, Lombardy, and what we did, software; and we also liked it because the acronym, AlfaPi, spoke of a beginning: that of our business and that of a good future for the customers we would have. And we nailed it.From the beginning the web has been our destiny: we have witnessed its beginnings, beginning to experience its immense opportunities, even when the first modem connections required an intercontinental telephone call to Texas!In 1996 we registered alfapi.com… a year and a half before Google!Over time we have also grown as consultants and IT assistance providers, activities that since 2015 we have entrusted to Netech, a leading company in the management of information systems.In 2005, the registration of the diParola® trademark says that we have also begun to develop voice applications, with which we create interactions via telephone similar to those via the web. An example? Agenda24: book a medical visit over the phone, 7×24. The activity has become so important that it has created a dedicated business unit: www.diparola.itToday we specialize in two areas, with the aim of helping businesses, professionals, institutions and associations to work better and take advantage of digital business opportunities: